
Sarasota GameJam 2019 “Hammie Ammer”

Created with a team of six people over a period of 48 hours the game follows Hammie on his quest to receive an award for the best house in a neighborhood contest. All that stands between him and the award are those pesky kids and their soccer ball. As things spiral out of control he has to defend his home from angry parents, riot police as well as military while barring windows and fighting off waves of intruders.

Responsible for enemy pathfinding logic, barricading and subsequent enemy spawns in accordance with which windows remain open as well as health, pickups, damage and escalating enemy wave system.


Sarasota Game Jam 2018 NES Game “Midlife CriSlav”

In a post apocalyptic future of 2050 in an unnamed Slavic country an everyday citizen struggling through his midlife crisis decides to take a trip to a nearby kiosk for a can of beer. As he walks out into the streets he gets caught in the middle of a military coup, riots and a city-wide lock-down. However nothing will prevent the protagonist from getting a cold one.

As a part of a team of three over limited 48 hours given to complete the project my tasks included creating all the sprites and pixel art for the urban zones as well as basic gameplay mechanics such as damage, pathfinding, and zone transitions.

The game was created in NES Maker playable on both an emulator as well as the console itself. All assets fit into a native 384kb cartridge and utilize a standard maximum 48 color palette.


Local GameJam 2018 Tower Defense game "Hive's Up!"

Following project was developed over a span of two weeks by a small team of Ringling College students as part of a personal game-jam project. 

Members were split to complete art and programming related tasks. As part of a programming team I was responsible for building placement logic, pollen tracking and spending as well as hive upgrades and turret behavior.

The prototype is optimized for iOS and android devices.